
liquid plummer

"It felt like a blockage.", the girl said.
"So how much did you add"
"I just kept adding and adding and adding, until I couldn't see straight anymore"

The girl draws in a deep breath. "It feels like I can't breathe"
She kicks off one of her shoes. It flies across the room, hitting her favorite antique lamp, the one of the geisha girl holding up a large umbrella/lampshade.
The girl drops the phone and runs into the next room, arms flailing, tears streaking down her face. The boy stares out the window, full moon mocking. "Are you still there?"

There is no vomit, only a purging of words and fists and fits, and she is outside herself and beside herself and clothes are coming off her body, until finally she collapses, naked on the bed, exhausted and undone.

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